A funeral at Home

Time and presence


The care of our dying loved ones in our own homes is the tradition of our ancestors and a holistic and safe way to honour those that have died.

How does it work?

With the aid of the gentle modern technology of the cooling bed, we are able to retain the body of the deceased safely and tenderly in the home from the point of death until funeral.  This practise provides continuity of care and holds the family in a safe and loving space to grieve and to integrate their loss.

We empower families to be as involved as they wish with after death care. Sacred Earth will provide a safe and empowering and culturally sensitive experience in your own home in whichever capacity you wish to be supported. We create sacred space for vigil and preparation of the body before final disposition.

Why a Home Funeral?

Many times, a loved one dying at home awakens a family to a natural inclination to continue after death care in the same home environment. When we listen to the wishes of terminally ill people, they often express their hopes to die at home, as our ancestors did, in an environment that they have loved. It is quite natural to continue this unrushed, family led atmosphere into after death care, which may last for hours or even days, and becomes a vigil of release and gratitude. Following this sacred time, family may wish to continue the peace with a home funeral before the loved one is carried to their final place of rest. All of this is possible and a very positive response to the presence of death in our lives. When we create a safe space at home to honour ALL of our emotions around loss and transition, we can more easily integrate difficult experiences, and move through them with grace. And so, transformation is experienced on a deep soul level and our ancient practises lead us to heal. A funeral in our own home creates opportunity for us to absorb the shock of loss and brings healing to the living, the dying, and the dead.

Home Vigils and healing

In addition to home funerals we also offer home vigils and care to support people in their last days in the comfort of their own homes. Click the  button below to contact us.

Contact us to find out how we can help

When you ring us, your phone call will be answered directly. It is an honour to serve your needs.